Sunday, March 7, 2010

No Surrender

Cutting the BBC
In a recent Economist article it discusses the recent voluntary cut by the BBC to its budget. Considered, " the world's first, and mightiest, national public broadcaster" it is shocking to commercial media firms. although critics have claimed that it is not a really cutting very much, just limiting its already exponential expansion. 98% of all Britons use the BBC in some form weekly. And about of third of Britons go to their website daily. OF course many people call the BBC's power "chilling" but according to a recent poll 63% of Britons trust the BBC, this is more than most politicians, other media sources and journalists. This effects legitimacy of the BBC, it displays the effects of the world wide recession. It also shows an interesting blend of a governmental controlled organization competing with free market media.
grade this post. 3/7/10

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