Monday, March 8, 2010

Business Leaders Demand Reform

The March 8th BBC article, Business Leaders urge faster action on UK's 178bn debt, leaders of two important employer groups, the CBI and Institute of Directors, have shown that they are concerned with the governments current actions regarding economic reform. These two groups believ that the government should cut spending as soon as possible to reduce the nations deficit. The current administrations plan is to balance the budget by the 2017-2018 period while the CBI believes that, with the correct moves now, it can be done by 2015-2016. Taking advantage of this reaction with the upcoming election, were the Tories. The Tory leaders from David Cameron to shadow chancellor George Osbourne have said that they plan to do exactly what these groups are asking for.

This article calls into question the Legitimacy of the current administration and with the upcoming election this does not bode well for Gordon Brown and the Labour Party. This also shows the influence of civil society in the UK that two important employer groups are being influencial in politics.
Photocredit: The article.
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