Friday, May 21, 2010

Cameron will not yield more power to EU

According to the BBC news article, "Cameron wants strong EU role but will not yield powers," Cameron has told the German leader Angela Merkel that he will not back any treaties which give more power to the EU. At the same time he says that a strong eurozone is in the UK's best interest. He also has said he wants to form a strong partnership with Germany in the future.

This all comes on the heels of the financial crisis in Greece. The EU has been talking about passing treaties to better stabalize the eurozone. Clearly Cameron doesn't want to give up British sovereignty in any economic matter. He also has made statements reaffirming the British position against the Euro.
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This relates to the emerging trend of supranationalism, and the changing definition of national sovereignty. The UK has clearly had enough. They have always been opposed to the unified currency of the EU, and the recent events in Greece have seemed to confirm some of their fears. As a result, they are hesistant to give up more of their national sovereignty.

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